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  • #11547
    Simon Corrigan

    Universities and research groups investigating new and innovative fuels are perhaps one of the biggest growth areas here in the UK. Signal are working on a number of projects with Nottingham (NH3 and methanol for decarbonising maritime), Sheffield (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) and Cranfield (hydrocarbon, hydrogen and ammonia fuels for use in turbines and piston engines). The majority of these project receive government funding as well as funding from industrial partners, who include some behemoths of industry.

    Signal equipment is being used by a number Carbon Capture, Utilisations and Storage (CCUS) projects who want to monitor the efficiency of their processes. We are involved in monitoring low levels of CO in syngas projects where H2 is being used in fuel cells as CO has a detrimental effect on cell. There are a number of projects looking at NH3 as both a fuel and an efficient carrier or H2 so there have been a number of enquires for the S4 Nebula, our ammonia analyser. With MCERTS for the S4 Solar only a matter of weeks away we are very much looking forwards to offering a certified FID for emissions monitoring.

    Where else are people finding growth in new and/or existing markets?

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